WWW Wednesday: the week I need to hurry the hell up and finish some group reads

September 22, 2021

It’s time for another WWW Wednesday!

I’ve really enjoyed getting back into blogging lately, but I’m having a hard time remembering to post regularly. I thought getting back into the swing of WWW Wednesdays might be a good way to help me stay on track and post at least one blog post each week. 

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m currently reading:

I’m slowly but surely whittling away at this list. 😌 I’ve decided to start adding little progress notes to each book on the list in the bullet points below unless I have nothing new to say, in which case, I’ll just leave it at the title.

What I recently finished:

Still on track… still a bit shook by it. I’ve been reminded of how much I absolutely love making time to unplug and read for a bit before bed, and honestly, I might challenge myself again in October! (This list looks shorter than it should be just because last week’s post was delayed and had 2 extra days on it!)

  • Horrid by Katrina Lena: This was one of the creepiest YA horror novels I’ve ever read and I LOVED it.
  • Stuck On You by Jasper Bark: Gross, fun, and quick. This kind of felt like one of those plots that is so outlandish you have to laugh, but it was really well-executed.
  • Monstrum Poetica by Jezzy Wolfe: One of the best poetry collections I’ve ever read! The poems are all about monsters and cryptids.
  • Chef’s Kiss by Jarrett Melendez: An adorable queer new adult rom-com graphic novel that I could not put down. I was so invested in these characters!
  • Someone to Share My Nightmares: Stories by Sonora Taylor: Holy shit, this was the horror/romance crossover collection I didn’t know I needed so much!

What I’ll read next:

Oops, I didn’t start The Heart Principle last week like I meant to! The group discussion is coming up soon, so I definitely need to prioritize that this week. I also need to focus on finishing Intensity ASAP since the group read is this weekend. I don’t think I’ll add any new “up next” plans to this list today!

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What are you reading right now, or what did you recently finish? Let me know in the comments!



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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

    1. Good luck with your reading! I’m putting in a hold for The Anthropocene Reviewed at my library as well, but the waitlist is long ? I’m close to finishing The Darkness Outside Us and hope to read Recommended For You next ?

      1. I hope you like The Anthropocene Reviewed – and that your hold doesn’t take too long! The waitlist for me to check it out the first time was a few months, so when my hold expired, I was really shocked I only had to wait 2 weeks to re-check it out! I need to finish it now. ?

    1. Enjoy your reading!
      I’m currently reading The Woman in Cabin 10 and listening to Dragon Keeper!

    1. We really need more horror-romance hybrids! Sonora Taylor’s collection was so much fun. Horrid is also very awesome. I’m so glad you’ve had some great reads.

    1. Happy to see these WWW again! ❤️ I hope your reading progresses well, even as my awful reading slump seems to be struggling to disappear. 🙂 Also Horrid is high on my list, glad to see you loved it! I have to wait for my library copy unfortunately but fingers crossed I can get it before Halloween ?!

      1. Thank you so much! I hope your reading slump goes away. *boos reading slump* I hope you get Horrid in soon! It was so good and would be good for Halloween, but if it doesn’t come in by then, it has a VERY cold atmosphere and would be awesome for late fall or early winter, too! ?

        1. At this rate I’m #32 on the wait list. *Sigh* But my reading slump seems to be going AND I am now tentatively starting to write reviews again, so your magic worked! Lol! ?

    1. Great post! I have When No One Is Watching on my bookshelf right now. I just haven’t gotten around to it. I’m still reading, A Cut for a Cut by Carol Wyer, that I won in a Good Reads Giveaway (yes folks actually win those). The last book I finished was The Whisper Man by Alex North, creepy but really good. The next book I hope to get too is If It Bleeds, Stephen King.

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