My first ever WWW Wednesday post!

November 28, 2018

I’ve been wanting to add a new meme to my blog’s weekly schedule for a while, so I finally settled on the one I’ve been interested in: WWW Wednesday! WWW is hosted by Taking On a World of Words. It’s a meme that takes place every Wednesday, where the posters discuss 3 Ws:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

I’m reading waaaaay too many things right now (which is the biggest reason I’m taking up this meme—hopefully it will motivate me to have fewer CRs at one time!).
1. Small Spaces — 15%
2. Hark! The Herald Angels Scream — 20%
3. The Language of Thorns — 42%
4. The Shadow of What Was Lost — 10%
5. The Faithful — 46%
6. Dear Heartbreak — 8%
7. The Gilded Wolves — 41%
8. Kingdom of Ash — 13%
9. The Sorrows — 19%
10. The Truth About Forever (reread) — 16%
As you can see, not only do I have too many current reads, but I’m not nearly far enough along in any of them, either!
My goal for the week is to finish Small Spaces, Hark! The Herald Angels Scream, The Language of Thorns, Dear Heartbreak, The Gilded Wolves, The Sorrows, and The Truth About Forever.

40870568For some reason, I’ve really been struggling with actually… you know… finishing anything lately? (In case you couldn’t tell by those 10 current reads, haha)
The only thing I’ve finished within the last week was The Wicked King, which you can read my review for here.
It was absolutely incredible. I devoured it in two sittings and immediately needed the third book! ?

With all those current reads, I don’t plan on adding too many things to my current reads this week! The only new title I plan on picking up in the next week is The Battle of the Labyrinth, which I’m buddy reading with my friend Sylwia, and The Lights, a new f/f YA horror novella eARC I just received.

Have you read any of the titles I mentioned in this post, or are any on your TBR? Let me know in the comments!


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More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. You totally should, it was REALLY fun to do! I could honestly see this becoming my new favorite weekly post!
        I usually try to limit myself to less than this, but for some reason in 2018 I have been so bad about constantly letting my current read number get up to 10-15, and I actually kind of hate it!! I need to stop. I think it’s mostly because I had such a bad slump the first part of November and so I kept picking up other things hoping they would fix the slump.

        1. That’s nice, maybe I’ll start doing this post from next week
          Reading slumps are the worst I’ve been in one since October, I haven’t finished one single book in November and it sucks

      1. I need to stop honestly!! I’m happiest when I have maybe 3-4 current reads so my goal for 2019 is that I’m literally just not going to allow myself to have more than maybe 5 at any given time.

    1. I’m almost done with Kingdom of Ash. It feels like I’ve been reading it for foreverrrrr. I’m hoping to finish it this weekend. *hoping* ahahah. Good luck with your pile!

        1. I think that’s what my brain is also telling me. Because I’ve either started/finished other books instead of just finishing KoA,hah!

    1. THE WICKED KING!!! oh gosh, I feel sm angst w this series,,,,I lost my copy of The Cruel Prince, so now when I think about the sequel i’m overwhelmed w devastation lskdjf
      but since you love it i feel Renewed Interest c: c:

      1. Haha it’s too many! I’ve got it down to 9 right now, I started a new one but have finished 2. I’m hoping to get it down to 5-6 by next Wednesday’s update. 🙂 and TGW has been pretty good so far! It’s one of the ones I’m hoping to finish today.

    1. Good luck trying to finish some books! You’ve got a crazy big pile. How do you decide which one to pick up? Happy reading and thanks for participating in WWW Wednesday!

    1. i hope you adore small spaces! and wow, so glad to hear you adored the wicked king. i wasn’t the biggest fan of the cruel prince (i know, i weep) but i’m hoping the sequel is going to surprise me

      1. Thank you! I was listening to the audiobook of Small Spaces and honestly not totally loving the narrator so I’ve decided to switch to the physical copy ☺️ I think I’ll like it better that way. I hope you like TWK better than TCP! ?

      1. Thank you so much! I love that term, that sounds perfect. 🙂 You know what, I just finished one book and was trying to decide which current read I should try to finish next, and I think your comment just made my decision for me – Small Spaces it is! Thank you! <3

    1. HOW are you reading so many books at the same time, I admire that so much haha. I hope you’re enjoying The Gilded Wolves, I can’t wait to read that one! 😀

      1. Hahaha thank you! I honestly don’t know but the funny thing is that I’m always so impressed by people who can read just one book at a time, I genuinely wish my attention span would allow that because then maybe it would be easier for me to review them right away!

    1. Ooh, you’re a good chunk into The Gilded Wolves already! Liking it so far?
      [Not commenting on KoA but.. just.. tissues, okay?]
      I’m hoping to pick up The Language of Thorns next month but we’ll seeeeee. I’m so allowed to pokelaugh you if I manage to start AND finish it before you finish it, just saying. 😛

      1. It’s alright! I love the characters but the world building is a little confusing? I’m hoping to finish it today and one of my buddy read partners said the ending is the best part so I’m pretty excited!
        I finished TLoT, so HA. ? it was one of my unhaul challenge picks and I was NOT unhauling that beauty so I finished it two nights ago. SO GOOD.

        1. Hm.. Well, we’ll see! If the world-building’s confusing, I might have to make sure I don’t pick it up after reading another fantasy or I’ll doom myself.. ?
          HAHAH. Well, at least that unhaul challenge works! ?

          1. So I’m at 75% now and it got WAY BETTER. It’s still a liiiittle confusing but the banter is just so fun and I am in love with literally all of the main characters. So I think/hope you’ll like it 😀

            1. Whoooop! I’m really looking forward to it. Although I’m currently battling a case of “I should read that book, but also that book. Oh, wait! that one!” and it just won’t stop. :’)

            1. I know this feeling so well right now. ? So my solution so far has mainly been to look at my current reads and say, “But I’m ___ far into this one, so I HAVE to finish it before picking up THAT!” and repeating.

            1. That’s the way to go! Especially with all the current reads you got going on, haha. 😛 I only have two and.. I keep reading on my Kindle even though – this ONE time – the ARC is the physical copy. -_- Stupid brain.

    1. 10 books? I can’t even imagine how you managed to juggle between all of them xD I love the Truth About Forever, but I think you should finish Language of Thorns first since it is a collection of short stories and you’re pretty far along with it 😀

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