T10T: Most Recent Kindle Purchases

November 13, 2018


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s challenge was to list 10 bookish merch items I’d like to own, but I’ve mostly stopped collecting bookish merch because I ran out of room? So, instead, I thought I’d go with something else shopping-inspired and list my fifteen most recent kindle purchases!

I went with fifteen instead of ten because… well, because I wanted to. ?

Most of these were/are on sale, so I’ll list prices for the ones still on sale! (These are for the kindle US store, so I can’t guarantee prices for other platforms or regions.) KU = available on Kindle Unlimited.


1. Killing Sarai (In the Company of Killers, #1) — J. A. Redmerski
NA dark contemporary
still on sale? 
yes ($0.99); KU

2. Pennies (Dollar, #1) — Pepper Winters
NA dark contemporary
still on sale? yes (FREE)

3. Witching Hour Theatre — Jonathan Janz
adult horror
still on sale? yes ($0.99) KU

4. Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1) — Ilona Andrews
adult paranormal fantasy
still on sale? yes ($2.99)

5. Rogue Nights — anthology (Talia Hibberts, Annabeth Albert, Rebecca Crowley, Hudson Lin, Shae Connor, Ainsley Booth, Robin Covington)
adult contemporary romance
still on sale? yes ($0.99)


6. A Duke By Default (Reluctant Royals, #2) — Alyssa Cole
adult contemporary romance
still on sale? no ($5.99)

7. Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales — Yoko Ogawa
adult horror collection
still on sale? no ($9.99)

8. Just For Him complete trilogy (Bad for the Boss, Undone by the Ex-Con, Sweet on the Greek) — Talia Hibbert
adult contemporary romance
still on sale? yes ($0.99 total = $0.33 each); KU
(this is only on sale for a few more days, and each book is usually $3-4 apiece!)

9. Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper books #1-3 (Ellie Jordan Ghost Trapper, Cold Shadows, The Crawling Darkness)
NA paranormal fantasy
still on sale? yes ($0.99 total = $0.33 each)

10. Coraline: The Graphic Novel — Neil Gaiman
MG paranormal/horror
still on sale? no ($7.77)


11. Quarter to Midnight: 15 Tales of Horror and Suspense — Darcy Coates
adult horror collection
still on sale? no ($4.99); KU
(I’ve read this before and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys horror short stories!)

12. Dream Woods — Patrick Lacey
adult horror
still on sale? no ($3.29)

13. Serpentine (Serpentine, #1) — Cindy Pon
YA fantasy
still on sale? yes ($0.99)

14. The Uninvited — Cat Winters
adult paranormal/historical fiction
still on sale? yes ($2.49)

15. Heart of Mist (The Oremere Chronicles, #1) — Helen Scheuerer
YA fantasy
still on sale? yes ($2.99); KU

Which of these new purchases should I read first? Have you read any of them? Let me know in the comments!


More about Destiny @ Howling Libraries

Just a horror aficionado/geek girl trying to juggle motherhood, reading, blogging, gaming, and everyday life.

      1. Thank you! 😀 I had stopped checking the sale emails for several months there because my Kindle was on the fritz, but I get a new Kindle this month and decided to start shopping for them again!

    1. I don’t know ANY of these and the ones that looked interesting at first sight, I didn’t find that interesting anymore after reading the Goodreads-synopsis, haha. Probably also has to do with my mind totally NOT being at the right space for dark things right now. 😛
      [Also: do I want to know in what time span you bought all these?]

      1. Bahahah yeah, there’s a bit of a theme going on with most of them, right? 😛 Hmm… over the last… 2-3 weeks? Most of them were $1 at the time I bought them so I don’t feel too bad, but my haul is gonna be mostly ebooks this month for sure. ?

        1. Hm, okay. You’re safe. I was half expecting you to say “oooh, a couple of days maybe?” 😛
          I’ve bought.. two ebooks this year? One of which being KoA, haha. I’m still rocking my haul this month though! Only four on it! [I still haven’t given in to temptation but the urge to order books is getting bigger and bigger..]

          1. Bahaha thankfully, no! But if you saw the ARCs I’ve accepted and requested this week… I hate myself a little lmao. I really am going to adopt the method you talked about with writing it down and looking at it everyday for a week or so. Starting NOW.

            1. Hahaha. I hope it’s working out so far! I actually managed to go from six / seven ARC’s on NG to.. 3 left to read and 1 to finish my review of – YAY ME. And I haven’t requested anything else! [I’m hoping to keep it that way since I do want to read my own books but lately I’ve been loving my Kindle so much?]

            1. Oooooh, look at you! That’s amazing! :’) And I feel you, I think I’ve told you this but the kindle app was a lifesaver for me during my pregnancy and when Isaac was a newborn, and then when I got an actual kindle it was even more so. I’m practically only reading ebooks right now since I got the new Oasis, it’s just so lightweight and comfy… 😀

            1. Yeah, you did! I might actually try and get some more ebooks when they’re on sale or something. I even prepared myself by adding an “owned-etbr” to Goodreads, haha. :’)

            1. Bahahah that’s awesome. I have “owned-digital”, “owned-physical”, and “owned-tbr”, and when I need to see my digital TBR I just combine those two shelves. :’)

            1. Hahah. The things we do to have some kind of overview when it comes to tbr’s.. :’)
              I’m actually doubting whether I should add a separate “etbr” on my blog as well or just stick to the physical one.. Because.. y’know.. only the latter is already plenty confronting as it is and all.. :’)

            1. I think you should do an eARC TBR, too! I used to do separate hauls for physical and ebooks. I have been thinking about going back to it, because I think sometimes combining them is “too much” for one post? And I feel like maybe people would enjoy seeing JUST the ebooks versus JUST the physical. Plus, like this month for example, the physical isn’t TOO crazy (okay, I mean… it’s a lot but not my worst ever lmao), but the digital is… oof. I got a LOT of free kindle books this month. o_o

            1. I’ve added an ebook part to my monthly wrap-up and I JUST made an ebook-tbr on my 2019 page as well soooo.. I’M AHEAD OF YOUR ADVICE, HAH. :’)
              I honestly like the idea of separate posts – although maybe for the wrong reasons since that did make me get Merry Inkmas. <_< On the other hand.. By the time you post that post, most of the freebies won't be free anymore. Or so I hope. :') I'm at 22 free kindle books. [I should say this month but since I've only been "buying" those for a couple of days.. Oops.]

            1. Lmao! Nice. I want to switch up my TBR page for 2019 but I haven’t decided what I want to do with it yet. Right now it’s just too much of one long list with nothing to really make it interesting. Hmm…

            1. Isn’t the LENGTH of the thing the interesting factor? 😛 I’m simply going to stick with alphabetically and a pre-2019 vs. 2019 set-up again. It’s easiest for me to adapt as I go. Although with the addition of ebooks, I’m not sure.. It’ll be a whole lot of divisions.. :/

            1. True ?
              It is easier to update set up like this, that’s true! I might divide my “purchased” list from my “review copy” list, at least. I’m not sure. AUGH. ? I wish WordPress wasn’t so finicky about formatting.

            1. Oh, I’d definitely do that if I were you! I don’t even count my ARC’s as pre-2018 / pre-2019 / haul since.. they’re not even finished copies. :’)
              Ugh, don’t even mention WordPress and formatting. I will CRY and wreak havoc the day our regular editor is poof and the new one is all we can use. :/

    1. I’ve been meaning to read Coraline, I loved the movie for it when I was younger, but I can’t find the motivation to do it. But I DIDN’T KNOW THERE WAS A GRAPHIC NOVEL VERSION!! I bet its really pretty too! I might go for the Graphic Novel.
      Happy Reading! ?

      1. I had no idea there was a graphic novel version, either! I’ve only ever seen bits and pieces of the movie and never read the full novel so I’m really excited. 🙂 Thank you, happy reading to you, too!

      1. That’s awesome! 🙂 If I love it as much as I expect to, I might have to put the physical version on my birthday list or something next year since I feel like art in GNs always looks so much better in person.

    1. i’ve basically stopped buying bookish merch too! in the end it’s like…i’d rather buy a book?? also shoutout to Coraline (which is v good and also the only one of these books i’ve read)

      1. Yes please! You know I’m always down for a Janz buddy read (or ANY buddy read) with you! ♥ I was thinking about reading it for Short-a-thon but would totally be willing to move it up if you want, I just need to read The Sorrows first!

    1. OMG Magic Bites! Kate Daniels is one of my favourite series ever. When I first read it, I thought the first book was a little meh, but it’s one of those series that keep getting better and better, so it’s definitely worth sticking with it even if you’re not immediately drawn in!

      1. Ooooh, good! I’m really excited to check it out. I’ll definitely be sure to give it a couple of books in before forming an opinion if I don’t love the first one. 🙂 I’m usually a pretty big stickler on not DNFing a series after just the first book unless I just absolutely HATE it.

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