wrap ups


November ’17 Wrap-up

Another month has come and gone, and it’s time to enter the last month of the year (wow, already?!) – but before we do, I wanted to share with you guys how my November reading went! I know it’s technically the last day of the month right now, but I’m writing this with the assumption that I won’t complete any other books today. ?...

August ’17 Haul & Wrap-up

Another month has passed, and you know what that means… time for a haul and wrap-up post! I had a pretty decent reading month, and I stuck to my book ban fairly well! Though I did splurge on a few purchases, most of this month’s new additions to my shelves were given to me as ARCs. (Yay!) August Wrap-up Spellbook of the Lost and Found ★★★★★ (review) All the Crooked Saints ★★★★★ (review) The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue ★★★★★ (review) Flame...