wrap ups


October Wrap, AKA "Holy Crap, I Read SO MUCH This Month?!"

Another month is coming to a close, and it’s time to show you guys what I read this month! Don’t forget, if I have a review for the book, you’ll be able to click the STARS for the review link! (Titles will still take you to Goodreads.) (this picture is a damn lie. I haven’t yet finished The Girl from the Well, We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Shatter Me, or Girls of Paper and Fire… guess I shouldn’t have...

August Wrap

Another month is coming to a close, and it’s time to show you guys what I read this month! I’m changing up my haul layout a little: if I have a review for the book, you’ll be able to click the STARS for the review link! (Titles will still take you to Goodreads.) I think this may have been my worst reading month all year. I think doing back-to-back-to-back readathons at the end of July messed me up, plus I...

June/Pride Wrap

I’m starting a new thing with my wrap-ups, where I’ll be adding an emoji key to notate if the book was an ARC (?), had POC rep (?), LGBTQ+ rep (?), or was related to the month’s challenges (varies)! NOTE: I’m not including any of my assigned reading for my class in this wrap, because that will go in a specific course wrap-up post when the class ends!...

April ’18 Wrap

April was a pretty quiet month for me at 16 books (I typically average 20-25). I hit a major fantasy slump, and then it progressed into a full-on everything slump. I spent about 2 weeks of this month reading a max of 50 pages a day. That said, over the last few days, I’ve gradually come out of that slump, and I still had some pretty good reads this month. (By the way, I read five books for the ApTHRILL challenge!)...

March ’18 Wrap

I had really big plans for March, but then Obsidio happened, and it gave me the worst book hangover I’ve had in ages, which in turn caused a slump so bad that I literally didn’t touch a book for almost a week (which is unheard of for me, as I make it a goal to read at least 30-60 minutes per day, everyday). That said, I came back out of my slump in the last week of the month and I’m...

February ’18 Wrap-Up

Despite February being the shortest month of the year, and the fact that I hit a miniature slump midway through the month, I’m still incredibly pleased with my reading achievements for the month! I had a few great buddy reads, knocked out a decent number of ARCs, and revisited a few old faves. <3 ! = ARC / SENT FOR REVIEW I’ll link to reviews wherever possible! Born a Crime ! The Poet X (review) Speak: The Graphic Novel (review)...