young adult


Brooding YA Hero – Carrie Ann DiRisio (ARC Review)

Goodreads synopsis: Have you ever wished you could receive a little guidance from your favorite book boyfriend? Ever dreamed of being the Chosen One in a YA novel? Want to know all the secrets of surviving the dreaded plot twist? Or maybe you’re just really confused about what “opal-tinted, luminous cerulean orbs” actually are? Well, popular Twitter personality @broodingYAhero is here to help as he tackles the final frontier in his media dominance: writing a book. Join Broody McHottiepants as...

Diversity Spotlight Thursday #7

The goal of this meme is to take a moment every Thursday to highlight 3 diverse books: one from your TBR, one you read and enjoyed, and one that’s not yet released! I want to give you guys an idea of the rep each book offers, but with books that are still on my TBR, I’ll have to make the best educated guesses I can. If I ever make an error or miss something, please let me know in a...

Hunting Prince Dracula – Kerri Maniscalco (ARC Review)

Goodreads synopsis: In this hotly anticipated sequel to the haunting #1 bestseller Stalking Jack the Ripper, bizarre murders are discovered in the castle of Prince Vlad the Impaler, otherwise known as Dracula. Could it be a copycat killer…or has the depraved prince been brought back to life? Following the grief and horror of her discovery of Jack the Ripper’s true identity, Audrey Rose Wadsworth has no choice but to flee London and its memories. Together with the arrogant yet charming...

#TheReadingQuest Wrap-up

#TheReadingQuest ended this past Sunday, September 10th, and I thought I would share my wrap-up with you guys! All but 2 of these have had reviews posted by now, and you can find those by scrolling through my blog’s home page feed, or going to my Review Index. (Here‘s my original TRQ post, in case you missed it, and here‘s the original challenge post) character quests: one word title: MOXIE book w/ magic: AN ENCHANTMENT OF RAVENS book w/ mythology:...

Black Bird of the Gallows – Meg Kassel

Goodreads Synopsis: A simple but forgotten truth: Where harbingers of death appear, the morgues will soon be full. Angie Dovage can tell there’s more to Reece Fernandez than just the tall, brooding athlete who has her classmates swooning, but she can’t imagine his presence signals a tragedy that will devastate her small town. When something supernatural tries to attack her, Angie is thrown into a battle between good and evil she never saw coming. Right in the center of it...

T10T: Hidden Gems in YA

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week’s challenge is Ten Hidden Gem Books in X Genre! I decided to go with a few under-hyped YA titles for this post. If you see some titles that you don’t think are under-hyped, keep in mind that I’m not basing this off of sales so much as I am basing it off of how often I actually hear other readers and reviewers discussing and recommending these...

An Enchantment of Ravens — Margaret Rogerson

Spoiler-free review! I was gladdened by the sight of those vicious thorns more than I could say, and wondered whether the stories would have gone any differently if the princesses had been the ones telling them. A book about star-crossed lovers, art, and a fae prince who shape shifts into a raven? YES, please! ✘ plot In Whimsy, humans practice Craft: cooking, artistry, writing stories, even designing clothing – all of which the fair folk are drawn to, despite their...

House of Ash – Hope Cook (ARC Review)

She felt her own solidness, and she felt the tremor of spirits all around her. Mila smiled. The house had made its first mistake. You’ve shown your hand. You’re a thing that’s alive. Anything alive can be killed. ✘ PLOT Curtis is determined to keep his head down, protect his little sister from their mentally ill and unstable father, and work through his own demons just a little longer – just until his eighteenth birthday, when he can take his sister...

All Rights Reserved – Gregory Scott Katsoulis (ARC Review)

“Words matter. Words make ideas. They preserve truths and history. They express freedom and they shape it. Words mold our thoughts. That gives them value and power.” ✘ plot In the future, lawyers have realized they can put copyrights on things as basic as words, and now, on each individual’s fifteenth birthday, they are given a device that tracks every word they speak or gesture they make – and charges them exorbitantly for it. On Speth’s fifteenth birthday, she realizes she doesn’t want...

The “Get to Know Me” Book Tag

Another tag! I apologize for straying away from my normal posts and reviews a bit, but this has been one hectic week around my house, and I’ve been taking this desperate need to relax in some small way as an excuse to catch up on these backlogged tags some lovely people have sent my way – like this one, from Iryna! 1. favorite color and do you have a book in that color? I have three favorite colors: black, purple,...