

Soul Ripping Romance Tag

Thank you to Jo-Ann over at Inspiration Pie for tagging me in this adorable new tag! Jo-Ann is such a sweetheart and she posts some fantastic content, so be sure to check her site out when you're done!

The Guide:

Thank the person who tagged you and create a pingback to the original author: Nel@Reactionary Tales.
Share at least 5 (but more are welcome) romances that tugged your heart strings. They can be from books, movies, TV shows, manga; anything you can think of! They can be examples of sad tears, angry tears, happy tears or a combination of all three.
Nominate 5 (or more) people to share their emotional traumas
(Note: Try not to spoil the story for your readers in case they would like to check out these romances on their own)

Stacking the Shelves: 06.24.17

* Stacking the Shelves Saturdays is a meme hosted by Tynga over at Tynga’s Reviews. Every Saturday, bloggers can showcase new additions – whether that’s to a physical shelf, a virtual shelf, or even your TBR!*

Since I add so many books to my Goodreads TBR shelf weekly, and prefer to post my hauls monthly, I'll be using this space to show you guys some of the newest addition to my TBR shelf! I added a LOT of books to my TBR shelf this week... don't mind me, just being crushed by my TBR...

Liebster Award #1

First, huge thank you to Cheeky Booky for nominating me in her post! She actually tagged me earlier this month, but I somehow missed it until recently, and as soon as I realized I hadn't passed it on, I knew I had to right away! I'll be answering the questions she came up with, of course.

Top 10 Tuesday: Series I’ve Been Meaning to Start

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week’s challenge is Top Ten Series I've Been Meaning to Start But Haven't!

This one is pretty self-explanatory, and as a reader with a TBR pile that has been slowly burying me alive for most of my teen and adult life, this one should be a breeze. I didn't want today's post to just be a basic numbered list, because I feel like you guys deserve more information than that. ;) So, I'm going to also give you a quick rundown of when the series began, how many books are currently in it, and if it has been completed!

The Mid-Year Freakout Book Tag

I’ll go ahead and get this confession out of the way: I wasn’t tagged in this one. Nope. I’m a self-proclaimed tag kleptomaniac. YOU CAN’T MAKE ME STOP! … ahem. Sorry. Moving on! I nabbed this lovely little tag specifically from two wonderful blogs I follow: Inspiration Pie and Stephanie’s Novel Fiction! I’ll tag Melanie, Sionna, Lois & David, Dani, Solomon, Chelsea, Alicia, Suzanne, Romie, and anyone else who wants to participate! If you post yours, please tag me and/or leave a link below so I can view it! 1....

T5W 05.24.17: Favorite Minor Characters

This week's Top 5 Wednesday challenge is to choose your top 5 favorite minor characters! I feel like it's important to note here that I consider there to be a tremendous difference between a "side" character and a "minor" character; a side character is not the MC but does have a notable amount of screen time, generally (think: Neville Longbottom), whereas a minor character is usually not shown very often or given much back story (think: Professor Trelawney).