top ten tuesday


T10T: Ten Books I Loved in Middle/High School

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week’s challenge is a Back to School freebie! I decided to highlight ten books that I loved in my middle and high school years. Some of the books that I loved then are still favorites of mine, like the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series, so I’m not going to include those, otherwise it would fill all ten spots, and then where would we be?! 1. the beasties –...

Top 10 Tuesday: Best Reads of 2017 (So Far)

I originally was going to focus this week's post specifically on fantasy and sci-fi books, but I realized that it left me with no excuse not to pick multiple titles from the same series (looking at you, ACOTAR and The Lunar Chronicles!). Instead, I thought I'd just give you guys a rundown of my ten favorite reads of the year so far - any genre! I limited myself to one title per series, which is why you won't see a few of my beloved titles in this list.

Top 10 Tuesday: Series I’ve Been Meaning to Start

This is a weekly tag hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week’s challenge is Top Ten Series I've Been Meaning to Start But Haven't!

This one is pretty self-explanatory, and as a reader with a TBR pile that has been slowly burying me alive for most of my teen and adult life, this one should be a breeze. I didn't want today's post to just be a basic numbered list, because I feel like you guys deserve more information than that. ;) So, I'm going to also give you a quick rundown of when the series began, how many books are currently in it, and if it has been completed!