book tags


The Stuck at Home Book Tag!

My amazing friend Ellyn wrote up a new tag recently, and I loved it so much that I had to do it ASAP. ♥ This isn’t the first amazing original tag Ellyn has created, and I hope it isn’t the last, either. If you aren’t already following her, please fix that ASAP because she is truly one of the brightest lights in my life and I adore her. ??...

Try a Chapter Challenge: Avid ARC August!

It’s time for another post in my “Try a Chapter” Challenge—where I’ll choose ONE book for the month’s TBR! If you’re not familiar with the Try a Chapter tag, it’s a tag common on booktube (and sometimes blogs) where the participant reads the first chapter of five books and chooses one of those books to read, based on the results! For this series, I do something a little different: The five books I choose will be inspired by the month’s “theme”....